
The Observing Self

This is a book based on the inner self according to ancient beliefs and Indian philosophy.
The inner self is believed to be a separate entity that lives within us all and can be realized through meditation and living life with a core group of principals. The most valuable principal is to live your life happy. Finding happiness can be very difficult for people if they let the materialistic world around them affect them in negative ways. For example, through the use of drugs and/or alcohol people may bury their happiness deep inside and never be able to break free of the intoxicants that led them to where they are.
Anger is another deep wound that needs to be suppressed and controlled in order to let your true happiness become your world.
The Upanishads are the basic beliefs of Hindu and are the most respected philosophy ever written. The inner self is referred to as the Atman or according to western religion this would be the soul. a life changing event that few people have been able to master. The only known cases are from the monks that meditate daily and live the twelve steps of life.
There are many ways people could change their life for the better if they see the need for it. Blanca Gomez reviews “The Vixen Manual, How to seduce any man you want”, a book that had to be written by a woman who was completely sure of her own self worth. Having this kind of confidence is the most important thing for feeling beautiful.
David of Sason’s blog talks about the human mind and this is the path to finding the inner self is learning how to control your mind..

Kenny Alexander: Motocross Racer

A Day in the Dirt

Kenny Alexander
Kenny AlexanderThe Gremlin Race

Kenny Alexander has been racing dirt-bikes since he was seven years old and has made a name for himself in the world of Motocross.

Being born and raised in Newhall, California in 1961 into a family of Hollywood stuntman made it easy for him to choose the daredevil lifestyle. He has a long resume of movie credits from the stunts he has done including Matrix, Wanted, Terminator 3, Fast and Furious and many more.

He says one of his most memorable moments was when he was nominated for a Taurus Award in 2004 along with Kristi Li for the “Best Specialty Stunt” for the movie Charlies Angels: Full Throttle.

Hollywood has been very good to Alexander. He says he has done a lot of traveling and has never had to want for anything.

Living this life has put him in a position to help charities and other organizations with fund raisers. For the last 12 years, he has been holding a race called, “A Day in the Dirt” in Palmdale, California during Thanksgiving Day weekend for charity. This year the money will go to, “The Steve McQueen Memorial Fund for Boys Republic”.  He says that every year the race just keeps getting bigger and bigger and this year they expect to see 1000 racers and approximately 5000 spectators and family members.

Alexander explains how he and a friend came up with the idea and what they were hoping to achieve in an interview here. The race was originally intended for Hollywood stuntman and people that worked with the studios so they could stay in touch. The first race was actually done by invitation only, but so many people wanted to include their friends that now it is open to the general public. It seems the racers there all have similar feelings about the Thanksgiving Day weekend races.  Scott McDonald says he has not been to one of these events yet, but that he is going to go this year and that he is pretty excited. He says he will be doing team races with his friends.

Alexander says that the Los Angeles County Raceway (L.A.C.R.) is his home away from home and that everyone there is like one big family. He says it’s full of generations of families that bring their sons and daughters to the track and then they watch their families grow up there.

Palmdale Motocross
Palmdale Motocross

Getting hurt in Motocross just comes with the territory. Alexander says he was injured last year and it took him several months to heal, but he couldn’t wait to get back out there and race.  Many riders have experienced broken bones and ambulance rides, but all of them are in agreement with Alexander and say they just want to get back out there and ride some more.

Dennis Truman
Dennis Truman

Dennis Tuman and Brian Farmer are two vets (riders over 50-years old) who talked about some of their injuries here.  Dennis says he has four broken bones and a crooked spine and Brian made sure to tell us that “as your layen there injured, your just planning your comeback”.  They have over 50-years experience between the two of them and come down to the track every week or  least every chance they get.  They seem to enjoy what they do and say they would not miss day in the dirt for anything. They will be here for all three days. What a life! Don’t take my word for it, listen here for yourself. Well, they have made a believer out of me. See you Thanksgiving Day weekend!

To Our Representatives

I have watched this struggle for healthcare reform as it has taken a turn for the worse by allowing the healthcare industries a “seat at the table”. They should of lost that privilege a long time ago when they decided to start ripping off the American people instead of saving their lives.

I have watched as Republicans told lie after lie about “death camps”, “how reform would kill Grandma”, and “how reform means government is going to take over”. This disgusting rhetoric does nothing but hurt our Country as people lose faith that the Senate and Congress do not care about anything or anybody who is not lining their checkbooks with gold trim.

I want to thank Rep. Alan Grayson for standing up for the American people and refusing to apologize to the Republicans who have spent the whole year spilling nothing but hate speech in the House of Representatives. If more Democrats acted like Grayson we might actually be able to get some real reform, but reform without a public option (a real public option) not an optional footnote that is there to make the public feel like they will get reform, is not the reform America needs.

Democrats have managed to take their majority and hand it over to the very people standing in the way. Obama has managed to take his high poll numbers and even with the majority of the people behind him, including people that have lost loved ones due to the healthcare industries greed, and turn his back on them and everyone else that believed his heart was in the right place even if he did come right out of Wallstreet. We believed he would change this Nation for the better. Then, like some horrible reminder of the previous administration, he leaves our boys fighting in Iraq, begins a new war fighting in Afghanistan, and takes on healthcare reform as a distraction.

In the fight over healthcare, he has refused to take a stand for the public option from the very beginning, he has allowed the greedy healthcare industries a “seat at the table” to discuss reform that none of them have any interest in, and denied our trusted neighborhood doctors entry to a meeting held at the White House with hand picked doctors because they had different views then the status quo on what could really help change our healthcare in this Country for the better. Obama must assume that the people would not be watching, or that we would not care, and that none of his decisions would affect his high approval ratings in the future or his re-election. He is wrong!

All of you who are in power right now, the ones who make good money to solve Americas problems, the ones who are considered, for now, the brains we need on the hill to solve Americas wars, healthcare, economy, lack of jobs, and our horrible education numbers you had better do more than what we have seen in the past year up there or your gonna be voted out so fast you will not know what hit you and you can take that to your favorite hand picked bank (Paulson). We are paying attention. We want and have wanted real change in this country (Obama), and we will not be scared by your fear and lies of empty rhetoric (Limbaugh).

Freedom and Democracy in America

The United States is one of the strongest advocates of human rights and is a symbol of individual freedom to the rest of the world. Living in America means having the advantage of personal freedom and sharing the same promise of the American dream. Freedom to be and believe in everything or nothing can be a blessing or a curse, but the point is that everyone has the power to create their own destiny. They can become whomever and whatever they set their minds to become. The American dream can be thought of as the gold at the end of the rainbow. The United States has been voicing its beliefs loudly at home and to the international community that America offers all people safe haven and with that the potential for obtaining unlimited wealth and opportunity.

Citizens of America are guaranteed human rights at birth. The right to choose is a powerful thing. Sometimes Americans may not realize this advantage until much later in life. This is either because of a lack of education (free but not mandatory) or maybe because they are spoiled with arrogance. Sometimes the only way to really appreciate something is to be deprived of it. People that live somewhere that does not believe in human rights for its citizens often relocate their entire family to America in a search for freedom. Freedom from being suppressed, or from being forced to live in poverty and oppression. Many countries will not tolerate civil unrest and routinely imprison citizens that speak out against its laws Prisoners are tortured and sometimes killed instantly for committing acts that are considered simply “peaceful protest”.

The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, three years after the Constitution of the United States was ratified. This is probably the most important addition included in the Constitution as it guarantees the people of the United States a true democracy. An individuals right to life, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness is spelled out in a group of ten amendments labeled the Bill of Rights and is included thereafter with the United States Constitution. Many other countries that had similar philosophies found it necessary to include the Bill of Rights or portions thereof for their own constitutions to guarantee their citizens human rights.

The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States as a gift from France to symbolize our friendship and welcoming our new democracy and the universal appeal of freedom and liberty . Wikipedia includes information about the bronze plaque in the pedestal noting that it is inscribed with the sonnet “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazareth. They tell us that although it was never engraved on the exterior of the pedestal the sonnet reads,

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Obama Jam

I’m bout to watch Countdown, cuz Kieth really gets down on the G.O.P. He pounds the republicans down for free. I now found it’s the only news for me. Palin’s talkin non-sense in her pantyhose. It’s like she just brings in all the true psychos. Then she crumbles and stumbles throwin words in the air. It never matters how they come out cuz the sense ain’t there. And she ain’t sayin anything we understand, she’s never planned for much of anything but takes a stand for anything that plays to the republican base. You know the type, the ones who always bring up race. Doesn’t matter if your name is Sotomayor or Obama, whatever keeps our paper full of Jackson drama may keep the base from playin all this racist-rama.

If Palin wasn’t bad enough, there’s Joe the Plumber. Hey. No way, this one they say is even dumber. Is McCain insane? Is this a joke? I’m afraid not. Sarah was starting to choke. The G.O.P told the media to change the topic but anything about Obama, no one had to stop it. The profits from Ms. Palin just kept pourin in but it still seemed that Couric helped Obama win.

You remember Bush? He claimed he was “the decider” but Obama just claimed to be a true outsider. He said, “No Washington is in my bones!” Now we’ve got a president that Wall street owns! He said there will be no lobbyists like before, no more keepin secrets, and I’ll stop the war. I’ll get our boys home from the war in Iraq! First he sent the boys home, then he wanted them back. He moved all our soldiers to Afghanistan, now the war begins in Iran or Pakistan. The people said, “Don’t worry, Obama
just got in!” This wont become a war we really have to win.

Obama ain’t following his own campaign. Those were lies he told only til they picked his name. He doesn’t care now what he promised cuz his house is white. Ain’t that right, Koby? What do you think Madonna? You know who I am? My names Barack, Barack Barack Obama!

What do you people want? Health-Care. That’s fair. I cant talk about economy. We will give the public option to the elderly, while the private firms will learn they get the best for free. The private options are divided without sickness planned. While expenses are just taxes on the citizen. The middle class just wipe their ass with sand and grit. Then strive to stay alive, by begging government.

Obama does not need to get the health-plan right. He’s got other shit to do so pass this bill tonight! He says he’s writing a new bill or resolution. Maybe Bush was right about this Constitution! I’ve decided that no war crimes are prosecuted, no pix released and the info stays diluted. Then refute it, if someone brings a lawsuit in. No freedom of information is allowed again. I don’t need to keep my promises of transparency. All that matters is what I let the people see. So, who cares if my actions are causing so much drama. You know who I am? My names Barack, Barack, Barack Hussein Obama.

Bush may have been the decider, but I’m superman. The people said, “You can’t be that!” He said,”Yes, I can!” The world screamed, “We could have truly helped Ron Paul win“ Can Obama start a new war in Afghanistan? He said, I am Obama and mama yes I can!

Look here move it Lucy Lou, you too Madonna. My names Barack, Barack, Hussein Obama!

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